My webpage :-)

Hi! I have absolutely no idea what to do with this page, but I thought I should at least put something more on it than Lorem Ipsum. Chances are this wont be updated very often if at all.

Stupid ascii video things

I have no idea how the animation code works, I took it off this guy's github:

very topical meme | Has sound, turn on autoplay if it doesn't work
snivy gif I found on some Japanese artist's page in the depths of the internet
the first gif I saw when I looked in my images folder

Look at this cool gif

and a really low fps tiling version!

This shit took way too long to make. Getting the spritesheet for primal dialga wasn't an issue but lining up the Zs properly was horrible. Something like two hours spent painstakingly trying to align this fucking Z with my only reference being 240p youtube videos. It might have unironically been quicker to launch PMD, run through temporal tower again and fight him just to have a not abysmal reference to use.

Puyo Puyo VS has a Linux build but it's broken

For all the zero people who both care about this particular freeware Puyo game and also run Linux, you'll have noticed the build they link on their page doesn't work. This wouldn't be too big of a problem but it also doesn't run properly through wine, so you're left with no way to play it. This is a hacky fix I did replacing the update database with a more recent one so it doesn't segfault trying to update.

Fuck you Adobe, let me play my flash games

Here's a download for the last non-timebombed version of the flash player plugin for browsers on Windows, Mac or Linux. Found on but I don't have the original link anymore and I'm pretty sure even Louis' fucked up download speeds should still be faster than downloading off of there.

EDIT: Firefox have completely removed support for NPAPI plugins as of version 84, so unless you have an older version and don't intend on updating, or a fork that still supports them e.g. Waterfox, you should probably get the official standalone player instead.