
My Downloads

or things I've downloaded from the internet that might be hard to find or have disappeared over time.

Windows 2000 Compressed Folder Script

This Windows NT Command Script will install .zip folder support to Windows 2000's explorer by using files from the Windows 98 Plus! pack.


I DID NOT CREATE THIS. I'm only putting it here for ease of access for everyone.

TweakNT allows you to disarm the timebomb on Windows versions prior to Windows Vista. It also allows you to change the SKU of the installed Windows version, for example I can turn Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition to Windows XP Professional.

I'm pretty sure if your antivirus software picks it up, it's probably a false positive. I haven't properly tested the file yet. inb4 "wen daz windows loader"

Mega Drive/Genesis VGM Player v3.42

I DID NOT CREATE THIS. I'm only putting it here for ease of access for everyone.

This amazing piece of software did a disappearing act for a while. Luckily I had it saved. It allows you to create ROMs with a playlist of Master System or Mega Drive/Genesis VGM files and play them on an emulator or real Mega Drive hardware! It's staying here in case it disappears again.

VGMPLAY original link here.

External GitHub Links

Pistol Fight

Pistol Fight

Get a friend to huddle around the same keyboard in this ripoff of Gun Fight! Face off by shooting bullets at each other! No matter where you hit the other player, they'll blink out of existence for a second and you magically gain a point!

Coded in Python 3 (Ugh!) while studying at Bournemouth and Poole college although they cared about my 'Sonic says: Fix the fan.' joke more than this.

Coming to the Mega Drive/Genesis soon... when I can be arsed

Pistol Fight 2

Image unavailable because UE4 sucks and I'm not installing UE4Editor again

Get a friend to try to connect online and watch it not work! It might work though, it worked in BPC. This game is unfinished, and probably broken. So if you develop UE4 games for a living, fix it up and give it a shot. (Unless you're Steel Wool Studios)

Guessing Game

Guessing Game

I made this in Java using the BlueJ IDE, it was my first Java project, and while it's nothing anything special, it was my first go in a 'real' programming language unlike Python.

Release dediated to Robert Stanley, who left us 04/11/2020.